Wednesday, August 17, 2011


John Krasinski in fatigues.

Get Your Pinterest On

Pinterest is a secret world where fashion meets decor meets art meets inspiration for just about anything. Pinterest is the rabbit hole Alice should have fallen down because this underground world is 100 times better than talking rabbits and scary people made of playing cards. I have pretty much lost interest in anything else since finding Pinterest. Go. Now. And start pinning.


Thursday, August 11, 2011

JGL aka Joseph Gordon-Levitt

I love this kid. I know he's not a kid so I don't know why I referred to him as such but let's ignore my idioticy and move along shall we. Yes, we shall indeed. JGL is one of my all time favorite actors. It's quite an honor actually and if by some lottery of a chance JGL ever read this blog, (which I'm sure he won't seeing that NO ONE is reading this blog. Not even me. Seriously, I'm not even proof reading this crap)anyway, as I was about to say before I interrupted myself, if JGL ever read this blog it should make him blush. Reason being that I have very few favorite of all time actors. In fact, my list pretty much consists of JGL, John Krasinski and maybe a little Matt Damon/Ben Affleck on the side. Enough of my boring details. Here are my 5 favorite JGL films in decending order.

5. Angels in the Outfield

Seriously, how friggin cute is little JGL in this film. I would have been first in line to adopt him...if I hadn't been like 18 when this movie first came out. Ok, I just officially creeped myself out. Moving along...

4. Uncertainty

JGL + some facial hair = Awesome. That is all I need to say.

3. Inception

JGL + Business Attire = YES! There is pretty much nothing better on a screen than JGL being a full-fledged bad ass. Not only is he taking care of business in this film but he's funny, intelligent and a bunch of other adjectives I don't have time to list.

2. 10 Things I Hate About You

How can anyone on this planet watch this film and not walk away adoring JGL's Cameron? I don't know, you tell me. Any guy that is willing to use the thought to be psycho in H.S. as a pawn just to get the girl of his dreams ia A-OK in my book.

And drum roll please...

1. 500 Days of Summer

Zooey D. is an amazing actress who I admire and find to be very entertaining, plus the fact that she married Ben Gibbard gives her extra awesome points but I HATE her in this film. Ok, that's not fair. I don't HATE her in this film. I HATE her character in this film. How dare you break JGL's little heart. You evil wench. I'm glad I got that out. Seriously, my heart just breaks for him and the every time I watch this movie I'm screaming at Summer because she is a foolish, foolish woman to let JGL go. Oh well, her loss. Idiot.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Butt Kickin' Nail Polish

The best thing about this gun metal dark steel nail polish is the way it makes you feel. Like Peggy Carter. Like Batwoman. Like Catwoman...any kind of super woman for that matter. I swear, when I wear this nail polish I feel like I could kick the crap outta anyone. Don't take my word for it, though. Get to your local Target, or one that's not even close to being local if you just need to get away from the craziness and listen to your Ipod for about 2 hours with no interruptions and get yo'self a bottle of this Essie Over the Edge nail polish.... and then go pick a fight.